Running the Utility
The syntax for issuing Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility command-line options is:
bootutil -[option] or -<OPTION>=<VALUE>
Using the /? option will display a list of supported command line options.
See Examples and Command Line Options below for more information.
Command Line Options
Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility accepts one executable option and its associated non-executable options in an execution. If conflicting executable options are specified, Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility exits with an error.
The options, where applicable, are listed in logical groups:
If you run Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility without any command-line options, the utility displays a list of all supported Intel network ports found in the system.
General Options
- -?, -HELP
Displays a list of command-line options.
- -ALL
Selects all supported network ports found in the system.
- -64d
Disables 64-bit BAR (Base Address Register) addressing on the selected port. This restricts the system BIOS to assigning 32-bit BARs to the port.
- -64e
Enables 64-bit BAR addressing on the selected port.
Blinks the LED on the selected port for ten seconds.
- -DEVID=[Device ID]
Selects the network port specified by [Device ID]. [Device ID] is a 4-digit hexadecimal number, prepended by 0x.
Displays exit codes returned to the OS environment by Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility.
- -E
Enumerates all supported network ports in the system.
Specifies the file name for -SAVEIMAGE, -RESTOREIMAGE, -SAVECONFIG, -RESTORECONFIG, -UP or -UPDATE options.
Displays the firmware image type and version number from the specified source. If no source is specified, displays the image type and version number from the local BootIMG.FLB file. Use -FILE to specify a different file. Use -NIC to specify a port. Use -ALL to display the firmware image types and version numbers of images loaded onto all ports in the system. If a port does not have an image loaded, or is not an Intel® Ethernet port, the port will not be included in the -ALL output.
- -MACADDR=[MAC address string]
Selects the network port specified by [MAC address string]. [MAC address string] is a 12-digit number. Separators (: or -) are allowed but not required.
Selects a specific network port in the system.
Prevents Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility from displaying the PCI device location.
Saves a list of all NICs and their MAC addresses to the specified file. Must be used with -E.
- -P
Causes Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility to pause screen after displaying every 25th line. In pause mode, the last line of the screen will contain information that the screen has been paused and that the user can press Enter to continue.
Power Management Options
Enables Wake on LAN functionality on the selected port.
Disables Wake on LAN functionality on the selected port.
Adapter Flash Enable/Disable Options
Selects flash firmware type to enable or disable on the selected port. The combo option ROM could have all capabilities. This command will NOT work on monolithic Option ROMs.
-BOOTENABLE=DISABLED disables PXE functionalities for legacy BIOS.
Note:This manual command is not applicable to the UEFI network driver. The UEFI network driver is enabled by default and loaded automatically unless network ports are already used by other flash firmware.
Enables the capability to run flash firmware on the selected adapter.
Note:This parameter is not supported on the following adapters:
Intel® Gigabit ET Quad Port Mezzanine Card
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4 Mezz
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4-KR Mezz
Disables the capability to run flash firmware on the selected adapter.
Note:This parameter is not supported on the following adapters:
Intel® Gigabit ET Quad Port Mezzanine Card
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4 Mezz
Intel® Ethernet X520 10GbE Dual Port KX4-KR Mezz
Flash Programming Options
Runs Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility without confirmation prompts. This option is used with -IMAGEVERSION, -UP, -UPDATE, -RESTOREIMAGE, or -HELP option.
Restores a previously-saved firmware image to the same network adapter using the -NIC option. The source file is specified by the -FILE option.
Saves the existing firmware image in the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option to a disk file. The destination file is specified by the -FILE option.
- -UP, -UPDATE=[ROMType] [-FILE=Filename]
Updates the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option with the given FLB flash firmware image file. If -QUIET is not specified, the user is prompted to confirm overwriting the existing firmware image before upgrading. If a file name is not provided, the utility looks for the default bootimg.FLB file which contains all image types.
The following examples use PXE, but could also be efi or efi64:
Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe -file=pxeimg.flb
If your adapter supports a combo option rom, the following command option automatically detects the supported combo image and programs the adapter with that image:
-up=combo up=pxe+efi is valid.
PXE Boot Configuration Options
All of these options can be used with -NIC or -ALL:
Sets the PXE configuration of the selected device back to default settings.
This parameter should not be used except as advised by Intel Support personnel.
Enables Initial Title Message.
Disables Initial Title Message.
This section includes examples of how to enter some typical Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility command lines.
To get help descriptions:
BootUtil -?
To enable the flash firmware on the first network adapter for the system to be capable of executing the flash firmware:
To disable the flash firmware on all the network adapters:
BootUtil -ALL -FD
To display BootUtil FLB flash firmware types and versions:
To update all ports of a supported device with PXE, use either of the following:
BootUtil -UP=PXE -ALL # Assumes input file is bootimg.flb BootUtil -UP=PXE -ALL -FILE=BOOTIMG.FLB # Uses an explicit user-specified file
To update a combo image on supported adapter (e.g., pxe+efi). This command will succeed if the PXE+EFI combination is supported on NIC #2. If not, an error is displayed to the user:
The -UP and -UPDATE commands are equivalent and interchangeable.
To enable PXE firmware on the third network port in the system:
This command will work only if PXE is part of a combo Option ROM and not a discrete Option ROM.
To disable the firmware on the second network port in the system:
Exit Codes
BootUtil returns an exit code to the OS environment. Possible exit codes are listed in the following table:
Code Name | Value |
0 | All Intel Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility operations completed successfully |
1 | Bad command-line parameter |
3 | No supported network port detected 2 Invalid network port selected |
4 | FLASH operation failed |
5 | EEPROM read operation failed |
6 | EEPROM write operation failed |
7 | File content is missing or corrupt |
8 | Operator termination |
9 | LOM not supported for selected operation |
10 | Network port is not bootable |
11 | FLASH memory is disabled for flash firmware |
12 | FLASH memory too small for selected firmware |
14 | System memory allocation failed |
15 | File operation failed |
EFI versions of this tool may report an incorrect error code when no adapter is installed. This is due to a known limitation in the UDK2015 UEFI Development Kit (UDK) build environment.
From intel website,